#SayHerName with Black Lives of UU
from the Black Lives of UU Organizing Collective
The work we do as Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism include connecting our faith congregations to the Black organizer led work being done in local communities. Our grounding in the 7 Principles of Black Lives move us to take specific action to connect our faith to the May 19, 2016 #SayHerName National Day of Action.
The experiences of Black women, girls, and femmes involving the effects of anti-Blackness and the violence perpetuated by the state to terrorize and oppress them can no longer be excluded from the broader conversations concerning the means towards Black liberation. Historically and currently, Black women, girls & femmes have been essential to Black Liberation and yet the ways in which they are harmed are often marginalized, even in movement spaces.
“Although Black women are routinely killed, raped, and beaten by the police, their experiences are rarely foregrounded in popular understandings of police brutality. Yet, inclusion of Black women’s experiences in social movements, media narratives, and policy demands around policing and police brutality is critical to effectively combatting racialized state violence for Black communities and other communities of color.”
- Kimberlé Crenshaw, director of Columbia Law School’s Center for Intersectionality and Social Policy Studies
Building on the success of the 2015 #SayHerName actions, BYP100, Black Lives Matter, Project South & Ferguson Action have collectively called for a National Day of Action to End State Violence Against Black Women, Girls & Femmes on May 19.
Many actions around the country will focus on seeking justice for Black women, girls & femmes killed by the state including #RekiaBoyd in Chicago, #GynnyaMcMillen in Kentucky & #AlexiaChristian in Atlanta. Cities like Brooklyn, NY will create large healing spaces for Black women, girls & femmes. Others will lift up the structural systems that disproportionately affect Black women & girls, such as in Memphis where organizers will be shed light on over 12,000 untested rape kits. 85% of these untested kits were taken from Black victims.
Connecting our faith to this work is at the heart of the purpose of Black Lives of UU. When we say “our Unitarian Universalist faith is what calls us to say that Black Lives Matter” we mean our faith calls us to TAKE ACTION to create a society where Black Lives Matter. To that end Black Lives of UU will be working to directly link UU congregations with Black organizers in their communities in support of the #SayHerName Day of Action.
We urge UU congregations to join Black Lives of UU in this important #SayHerName call to action by committing to support local organizers in their area. Leveraging the privilege in & resources of UU congregations to benefit local social justice efforts is a critical goal of our work as Black Lives of UU.
What are some ways that UU Congregations might be asked to participate?
- Printing materials for action organizers.
- Providing day care for action participants.
- Assisting with jail & bail support when needed.
- Feeding organizers & participants during actions.
- Specific financial support for local #SayHerName actions.
To be connected directly with #SayHerName organizers in your area complete the form here. You will be contacted by Black Lives of UU with next steps. Our role will be more than just connector. We will focus on creating a nuanced, specific and informed relationship between UU congregations & Black organizers. This will include providing a set of best practices for UU congregations when engaging with Black organizers.