One Fight. One Struggle. Liberation For All.
A declaration from the BLUU Organizing Collective in support of Palestinian Freedom
Our hearts go out to the Palestinian people who are fighting for their freedom and are being killed. Our prayers of love and support go out to their families and loved ones because we know the fight for liberation is dangerous. No one should be killed for protesting and fighting for the right to have their full humanity recognized. State violence and state sanctioned killing and silencing of protesters must stop.
BLUU supports the Palestinian people and their right to live in their homeland. We denounce the occupation of Palestine and the modern day apartheid conditions the Palestinian people have been living under. Their fight is directly connected to our own fight for Black Liberation here in the United States — it was the Palestinian people who first reached out to protesters in Ferguson with suggestions on how to deal with tear gas; the same chemicals used in Baltimore, Oakland & St Louis against those fighting for Black Liberation are being used in Gaza right now. It is our American government that supplies resources and support to the Israeli armed forces perpetuating these attacks that also crushes Black lives through state sanctioned violence at home.
As Black Unitarian Universalists, we are reminded today that the reach of white supremacy is global and as such, so must be our collective fight for equity, justice and compassion in human relations.

There is always something we can do to help. You can support the Palestinian people right now by giving to the Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA).
You can read this declaration published on the Center for Constitutional Rights website by a group of Black freedom fighters and others who returned from a recent trip to Palestine and gives information and context that may be helpful in understanding this current situation.