Call to Action:
Help Gather Signatures for Proposed UUA Business Resolution — “Embodying Human Rights in Our Investment Decisions”

In partnership with UUs for Justice in the Middle East (UUJME,) Black Lives of UU and other UU social justice groups have joined forces in preparing a Business Resolution to strengthen the use of corporate investment/divestment and shareholder advocacy in support of human rights. Our UUJME friends note:
Placing this resolution on the GA 2020 agenda for a vote requires that 250 members of UU congregations sign a petition calling for such placement with no more than 10 signatures from any one congregation being counted toward the required 250. We need your help in getting the signatures. We hope to get far more than 250 signatures because the signature gathering process is itself a way to bring attention to the issue and the more signatures we have the more momentum we create. The signature pages must be delivered to the UUA by February 1, 2020, but we want to have them sent to UUJME by January 20, if possible, or the 24th if a little more time is needed. The UUJME treasurer is going to print and copy each signature page and deliver one set of pages in person to the UUA, and at least a week will be needed to accomplish these tasks before the deadline.
In our efforts to advance justice-making and liberation through our faith and dismantle white supremacy culture within our faith institutions, BLUU is asking Black UUs in particular and any UUs willing to help to join us in securing the needed signatures to advance this proposed Business Resolution. If you are willing to help by gathering signatures in your congregation, please complete this online form — it will guide you to a newsletter from UUJME with links to a copy of the resolution, a copy of a sheet with answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the resolution, and a copy of the official UUA form that must be used for the signature gathering.
Thank you for your assistance and support with this time-sensitive request!
-The BLUU Organizing Collective Board